Saturday 10 December 2011

E4 Existing/Past Billboards

(Skins is not a soap)
This is a past billboard used by E4 forskins.
The group decided to use the E4 branding as it created an audience for our soap, in which we chose to use the same target audince, we did this as we felt that the audience of the channel E4 would appreciate and understand our soap the most.

I felt that the trailer I had created was a similar cast age E4 programmes that already exist on E4 and this made me feel that E4 would be the best channel for "Ivy Wood" to be shown on.

(Misfits is not a soap)
Again this is another billboard design from E4, I feel that this is really effective as it instantly created a storyline and a background to what the soap will be like.

I like that the main cast members are all shown, this instantly introduces the cast to the audience, so that they are recognised straight away.

I also feel that although "Ivy Wood" storyline and soap is a contrast to "Misfits" which exists on E4, I feel that it is aimed at the same audience age, and again the cast age is very similar to "Ivy Wood".

This is the E4 style guide with the conventions for us to follow.

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